Understanding Prebid and Header Bidding
The innovative methods of header and prebid bidding have completely changed the way publishers offer their ad inventory. In the past, publishers used a waterfall model in which they provided ad impressions to many ad networks or exchanges in a sequential manner, beginning with the one that they liked. However, because this approach valued relationships more than actual bid values, it frequently resulted in inefficiencies and decreased revenue. On the other hand, before the page content loads, publishers can offer their ad inventory to several demand partners concurrently through prebid and header bidding, enabling advertisers to place real-time bids. The highest bidder finally wins in this transparent and equitable auction system, generating revenue for the publisher. Our area of expertise at Yield Maximizer (yieldmaximizer.com) is utilizing header and prebid bidding technologies to increase ad income for our clients. We guarantee the highest CPMs and fill rates by putting publishers in touch with a wide variety of demand partners, therefore optimizing income potential.
What VAST Tags Do
Delivering video advertising inside the prebid and header bidding architecture is made possible in large part by VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) tags. Video ad serving and display specifications are specified via VAST tags, which are XML templates. They have metadata including the length of the advertisement, the click-through URL, tracking pixels, and more.
VAST tags enable publishers to easily incorporate video advertising from various demand partners into their content while prebid and header bidding are in effect. The publisher’s ad server solicits bids from different demand partners when a user views a webpage including video ad inventory. After the bids are received, the user sees the video advertisement and receives the winning bid’s VAST tag.
With Yield Maximizer, publishers can be sure to work with a variety of excellent video demand partners who offer VAST tags that are tailored for optimum revenue and user engagement. Through effective partnership management and bid prioritization, we assist publishers in realizing the maximum value from their video ad inventory.